Portrait by Jennifer McKinlay

Jennifer KcKinlay recently graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone, she specialises in large portraits made up of pencil or pen marks, sometimes detailed patterns which you can only see when you come closer. 

Even though this drawn in a semi caricature style, I still think it looks more like me than any of my self-portraits! I also like the confident marks she makes which must have taken a lot of practice.

What I have on my studio space wall just now

First few pieces/sketches
 - mainly worked from photos

 Out of my sketchbook:

Recent Drawing of Hadi, charcoal pencil - quite pleased with how this turned out

Stencils were quite nice to play around with :

More recent bits and bobs
BIG painting - was a bit scary scaling up to bread and butter paper!


Don't have a particular plan for the degree show yet, might do loads of small portraits but not sure.
Have been doing a lot of small sketches and unfinished paintings recently.

Start of 4th year

Started off by doing some simple sketches to get practice on my drawing (which had slipped considerably over the summer...)

Few more drawings from this year...

Old animation projects

Here's a couple of random things I did in 1st year instead of doing the projects I should have been doing...

3rd Year Life Drawing

These are just a few drawings from my second semester - I can't show some of the collages as they contain photographs of a life model and I could get told off!