First post for a while. I've been working on a commission from my partner to create artwork based on one of our favourite films Big Trouble in Little China. It's taken me a while to decide what the finished work will be like. So far I've started several ideas but not finished anything yet.
I started off sketching a few scenes below. Finally I decided to try a smallish linocut of one of my favourite scenes to see how my sketchy style would translate. I still haven't finished mapping out linocut but will hopefully get cutting soon. If it works well I'll take it to a bigger scale try adding some colour.
An example above of me starting a not finishing a painting. I've blocked in a bit more colour than this in acrylic and had planned to add some layers in oil, but in the end I decided I'd like there to be more of a hint of what this was supposed to be. I thought it would be fun to just make it look like a nice picture without it being obviously from the film, kind of like an inside joke. But one of the reasons this is my favourite scene is because Kurt Russell is so funny in it, so I tried to get his expression in.
The drawing above was a quick sketch that I didn't think would work, but I quite like the energy of it. It's got a bit more dimension to it as well with the foreground + bit of perspective with the angle of the walls. I've started sketching onto lino (below) to see what that would look like. It's going to take a while getting all the sketchy lines in but I'm intruiged to see what it will look like. Part of me thinks I'm just procrastinating and should just get on with a painting instead, but why not.